Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Week 5 Assignment

You should respect copyright rules because they are other person’s thoughts and words and shouldn’t be used without the writer’s permission. If laws like this were not in place people could take credit for other people’s works. Also, another reason that you should respect these laws is because if caught they are caught for infringement you could be sued. If the person claiming infringement chooses that statutory damages have occurred and sues, a minimal of $500 can be awarded and a maximum of $20,000. Since I will be teaching Physical Education, I will not really come across this problem with my students invading copyright laws

Online safety and cyber bulling go hand and hand with each other. Online safety deals more with watching out who u talk to on the internet that you do not know, what you are posting on the internet, and not using your real name or put personal information out on the web. For Facebook and MySpace users, you need to be careful who u add as a friend or talk to because these people could find you in person and cause harm to you in some way. Parents should monitor their kid’s internet use and check up on what they are looking at to make sure they are not putting themselves in harms way by making poor decisions. Online bullying, in my opinion, deals more with people who intentionally say harmful things to people via the internet. This mostly occurs with people who know someone else and they have a grudge or something else and they say hurtful things to that person to hurt them emotionally. This can occur with people using Facebook or MySpace by talking to them on instant messengers or by making a profile about someone that is mean and hurts them on purpose. We can protect ourselves from online predators by simply not using real pictures on the internet as well as real names and by putting your personal information on the internet.

This week’s activities have helped me out a lot mainly by looking into the copyright laws and the consequences that can occur from disobeying the laws. Also, I have enjoyed readying about all of the stories about internet safety and about the things that happened in the UK. When I have kids, I will really watch what they are looking at on the internet and who they are talking to because these days it is so easy for someone to get hurt, physically or emotionally.


Copyright Law and Fair Use: Why Ignorance Is Not Bliss?A Case for Using Guidelines. (1998). Retrieved September 29, 2010, from The Technology Source Archives:

U.S. Copyright Office - Fair Use. (2010). Retrieved September 29, 2010, from U.S Copyright Office:

Bulling UK. (2010). Retrieved September 29, 2010, from

No Adults Allowed. Retrieved September 29, 2010, from

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